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Springer Nature publikálást segítő webinárium

2021-06-23 @ 11:00 - 12:00

Springer Nature publikálást segítő webinárium

Az EISZ és a Springer Nature szeretettel vár minden érdeklődőt a Springer Nature angol nyelvű, publikálást segítő webináriumára.

Who should join? Faculty members, Researchers, Phd and grad students, Librarians, Anyone who is interested in publishing an academic paper

Writing for peer-reviewed publication is an important part of the career of researchers and scientists. However, research students and early-career scientists often face difficulties in publishing their research papers. We planned a workshop that is dedicated to guide you into how to write your paper the best way possible.

Speaker: Dr. Nabil Khelifi – Senior Editor at Springer Nature



11:00 - 12:00