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Wiley OA publikálást segítő webinárium

2022-02-15 @ 10:00 - 11:00

Wiley OA publikálást segítő webinárium

Az EISZ és a Wiley szeretettel vár minden érdeklődőt a Wiley angol nyelvű, kifejezetten a magyar konzorciumban résztvevő intézmények kutatói számára megszervezett online webináriumára.

A kb. 60 perces előadás célja az Open Access publikálás segítése.

A Kiadó rövid tájékoztatója a webináriumról:

Author Workshop: How to publish in Wiley Open Access Journals – EISZ

– What is Open Access and what are the benefits?

– Author workflow: how to submit a manuscript to an Open Access journal and getting the APC covered through an existing agreement with your institution

– Publication tips for authors:

  • Why publish
  • Submission and review: what to expect?
  • Writing tips
  • Tools for authors: Author Services and Wiley Editing Services

Audience: Researchers and authors affiliated with an institution with a Wiley Open Access Account.

There will be time for questions and answers during the session. Certificates of attendance will be provided to those who attend. The recording of the session will be distributed 24 hours after the event to those who register.

Webinar Date: Tuesday 15th February 2022
Webinar Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM CET

Registration Link:


10:00 - 11:00